First off, I want to thank and show much appreciation to Ger Apeldoorn, of The Fabulous Fifties, for graciously combining his efforts with mine to present a completist version of this 14 month long arc. We are putting heads and collections together to showcase Kelly's magnum opus the best we can while still under a huge weight of our respective career deadlines.
If you ever choose to read the malarkey (14K or otherwise) that I may annotate these strips with, this is where you'll find it, under each strip. That way you can easily ignore it and go about your downloading.
I think it best that we post one Sunday strip per post so that it's easier for you (and me) to keep them in order. It will be Sunday strips from January through the first of June, 1966. Then we'll fold in the dailies, supplemented by extra material from the book. As well, where possible, we will addend the extra panels that were dropped from tabloid pages. The Sunday strips will be tabloids and (as one viewer noted) they are more of a comic book format. So perhaps if you choose to download them you can create a compendium using the Comic Book Reader program.
So I'll post when I can, one at a time for now, sometimes 2 or 3 a day. Remember it is 6 months of material before we get to Pandemonia, so be patient and enjoy the slow build-up. We'll be there before you know it.
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