Sunday, August 16, 2009

Off We Go, Mytes!

I don't want to bum you out, but this is the last Sunday strip to take place in Pandemonia. I'm bummed. I wish there were a hundred more, but keep tuning in anyway. We still have to finish the story. And then . . . and then . . . well, there's other cool Kelly stuff yet to come, so for heaven sake, don't go away.


  1. I will be watching . this has been a really good story.the art is also great--charlie

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to post this wonderful artwork, Thomas!

  3. Wouldn't think of abandoning ship at this point. Still check in every day. Thanks for posting all these great old strips.

  4. Great, good to hear from you people. I'm going to be asking for some input soon, so hope to hear from you (and hopefully a bunch of others) then.

  5. Yes you can !

  6. Any pogo of any kind is AWESOME, even if it's pulled from an archive site in B/W. Keep up the amazing Blog. Oh BTW any images I use on my archive site are linked back to your site. -Mr ilovecomix.
