Monday, October 5, 2009

Thinkin' Out Loud

Not that any of you need to worry about it, but I'm still trying to decide some things about the new Kelly 'blog. 

Please indulge me while I think this 'out loud'.

I was hoping to bring over the Sunday, Kelly Sunday strips from The Pictorial Arts 'blog, but those are from 1964 and aligned with the calendar of this year. I can give up that gimmick and post them back to back here, but I also have strips earlier, from 1963, that really deserve a showing as well, and from 1965 (not to mention the rest of 1967 plus '68, '69, '70 and '71). So a big question is: Do we want strict continuity for the Sunday strips? Or maybe 'story arcs', of a few weeks here and there? I lean toward that concept so that I can also throw in a whole bunch of other Kelly material between story arcs. You know, each Sunday will have its date in its file name, as always, so if you're saving em, they'll all go into order as you dump em into a folder, or folders, if you want to do em by year. So you can still have continuity on your end of the deal.

I think I've just convinced myself to do it that way. 

I'm going to post some non-Pogo Kelly stuff here and there, cuz we all love Kelly, right? Not JUST Pogo, please tell me that.

OK, so, well, I've talked it out and feel better for it. If any of you have some strong feelings about something or other that I should know before I kickstart the new 'blog, do please let me know. But really, even if you've seen a lot of this stuff here and there, like the comic books, or the special stories from the books, I promise to make the scans big and clean and worthy of Kelly, so it might be fun looking at it all again. 

And who knows? Maybe I'll post something you've never seen before. Wouldn't that be fun?

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