4. Maybe a combination of 2 and 3, weaving back and forth.
Now here's the biggest question I need help on: If I keep going, should I continue on this site, maybe changing the title appropriately? Or should I start a new 'blog, maybe dedicated to Kelly work, Pogo and Non-Pogo, and leave this site stand as-is, just dedicated to Pandemonia?
I don't mean to put myself up as THE expert on Kelly, but I am a (long) life-long fan and collector of all things Kelly. Some of what I would post might have been posted elsewhere, but you know I love large clean scans. Eventually I would run out of stuff, but it would take awhile.
Or again, I could just stop, cuz boy this is a lot of work and I'm not in this for money or glory. I just love Kelly's work. And, of course we'll have the Fantagraphics series coming out (I hope) sometime, so maybe what I'm doing here ain't necessary.
Help me out, let me know what you think. I know you're out there, I can hear you breathing.